Shrimp Cakes with Peas and Dill
Sep 03, 2010, Updated Oct 03, 2017
I’m so totally intimidated to post a recipe after the International Food Blogger Conference, considering the sheer amount of culinary and photographic greatness I witnessed and experienced last weekend.
But I’m doing it anywayย [semicolon] want to know why? ย I’ll tell you: ย These Shrimp cakes turned out fabulous. ย So there.
After being away from my kitchen for — gasp! — 60 hours, I was all excited to come home and make someย Whole Grain Crab Cakes. ย Sadly, though, the half-container of crab meat in the fridge had been there a little too long, and smelled, umm, how do you say?ย Ghastly.
Although it pained me to toss seven dollars’ worth of crab in the trash, it would have hurt a lot worse if we actually ate it, I’m sure. ย So, on to Plan B: ย Pull out some frozen shrimp* and make it work.
Speaking of which, I can still hear Kristine Kidd’s and Diane Jacob’s emphatic proclamation ringing in my ears: “The recipe has. to. work.“
Well, these worked for me, and I hope they’ll work for you. ย Let me know.
Shrimp Cakes with Peas and Dill
- 3 slices 100% whole wheat bread
- 1/2 pound 8 ounces shrimp, peeled & deveined
- 1 tablespoon toasted walnut grapeseed oil
- 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
- 1/3 cup peas
- 1 egg, lightly scrambled
- 1 tablespoon kefir
- 1/4 cup fresh dill, chopped
- 1 tablespoon Hop Kiln Winery Cognac & Pepper Mustard, or any mustard
- 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
- 1 tablespoon Hop Kiln Winery Toasted Walnut Grapeseed Oil
- 1 tablespoon olive oil, for frying the cakes
- Put the bread in a blender or food processor, and chop until youโve got fluffy breadcrumbs. Set aside.
- In a nonstick skillet, sautรฉ the shrimp in 1 tablespoon of the toasted walnut grapeseed oil (if theyโre frozen, thaw them before cooking). Stir occasionally, and grind a little black pepper onto the shrimp while theyโre cooking.
- Once the shrimp are cooked through, drop them on a plate too cool briefly, and then chop them into small, marble-sized pieces. If the peas are frozen, toss them into the still-hot pan for a minute or two to thaw them.
- In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients together (excluding the olive oil). Heat your skillet back up over medium-high heat, and add the olive oil.
- Shape the mixture into 2" patties, and gently set them in the pan to cook. They crumble easily, so be careful. Once theyโre brown on one side (about 4 minutes), turn them over. Cook until that side is brown (another 4 minutes or so). Because of the raw egg, be sure to cook them thoroughly.
- Serve on a bed of ย Kale, Chard, and Onion, or similarย sautรฉedย greens.
I wanted to add a side vegetable, and we had some Kale and Chard in the fridge. ย This is a quick, easy, and tasty way to get some high-powered veggies on your plate — and it complements the shrimp cakes nicely.
Sautรฉed Kale, Chard, and Onion
- 1/2 yellow onion
- 1/2 bunch kale
- 1/2 bunch red chard
- 1 teaspoon hot sauce
- Black pepper, to taste
- 1 teaspoon olive oil
- Cut the kale and chard into 1" strips, removing the largest parts of the kale stalk. Dice the onion (in whatever shape/size you like).
- Sautรฉ the onion over medium heat in the olive oil, until it begins to sweat, about 2 minutes. Add the leafy greens, and cook another four or five minutes, until the leaves have softened and cooked down. Stir in the hot sauce and pepper.
We’ve been doing our best to buy shrimp only from the USA. ย It can be hard to find (Bad Trader Joe! Bad!), but we’ve been pleasantly surprised to find it at Target, under their “Archer Farms” label.
View all my Recipes For The Weekend (R,FTW!)
Wow, these shrimp cakes look absolutely delicious! The addition of peas and dill makes them so unique. Can’t wait to try this recipe at home!
This was very good! I will make this again…
You are doing a great job …Keep up the good work…Thanks….Debbie
Glad you liked the Shrimp Cakes, and thanks for the kudos & encouragement! Yay! ๐
I’ve never made shrimp cakes before [semicolon] must try this. What a lovely idea, with the whole grain bread! Thanks, Andrew!
Thanks, Anne! Once you try them, please let me know what you think — or if you’d tweak them in any way. ๐
This looks delish! Just saw you on Twitter. You might be interested in entering our September Grantourismo Travel/Food Blogging Competition… we’ve got loads of great prizes, including a stay in a holiday rental anywhere in the world, plus an Olympus camera, tours, AFAR magazine subscription. This month’s contest requires entrants to create a blog post (on their site) on a quintessential dish of a place. More details here: but just email me or visit our site if you have questions. Nice to have discovered you!
Thanks, Lara! I’ll definitely take a look at your contest! ๐
This sounds delicious…I’m having a friend over for dinner this weekend and i think this is will be a good time to try ..Shrimp cakes with peas and dill…I love the flavor of dill in alot of my simple cooking…
Hi Debbie – Great time to try it! Let us know how they turn out!
Oh yum! I love shrimp and I love peas. I wonder how these would taste if you added some Indian spices to them? I bet this would also be good with a spicy yogurt sauce.
Glad you think they look good! I’d love to hear how they turn out for you (does it “work???”). Indian spices sound great, but certainly not my forte so I’d need a little help.
Considering how much Sriracha I put on the plate and in the veggies, I don’t know if I’d do a spicy yogurt sauce (it was already pretty hot)… but perhaps a cucumber dill yogurt sauce? ๐