Defining “Unprocessed,” round two

Unprocessed Sourdough Fettucine by Linda of Salty Seattle

In the past few days, I’ve been getting lots of questions about which foods do, or do not, pass the Kitchen Test.

Before I offer any suggestions, I’d like to shout from the rooftops that more than 1,200 people have now taken the pledge!  I’m getting goosebumps as I type this (seriously). And in case you still can’t tell just how excited I am, I’ll give you a hint:  A. LOT.

If you haven’t signed the pledge yet, I hope you’ll head over to the October Unprocessed page and do so right now.  There’s something very powerful about signing your name, even if it’s just a little online form.

I’m also incredibly grateful for everyone who has helped spread the word about the challenge with others. It’s because of you that so many people are now involved. Thank you.

Everyone can also now show their support by adding an October Unprocessed “Twibbon” to your Twitter and Facebook profile pics!  Neat!

Okay, so let’s talk about some items that do (and don’t) pass the kitchen test.  If you haven’t yet read last year’s discussion of “Defining Unprocessed,” please start there first.

I’m the first to admit that it can get a little confusing — and it’s also a work-in-progress. Considering how many different ways food can be “processed,” it definitely gets tricky to nail it down in one concise sentence, while still keeping the “good” and elimating the “bad.”  (I’m using those terms loosely.)

The kitchen test works well for me, and it seems to resonate with a lot of people.  But if it doesn’t work for you, I encourage you to use (or develop) your own definition of “unprocessed” as you proceed throughout the month.

The general way I figure out if something passes the kitchen test is this:

First, if its a single ingredient, I try to figure out if I could grow/create/produce that ingredient at home, at least in theory.  If so, then it’s fine.

If it’s a food that has multiple ingredients, I simply apply the kitchen test to each ingredient, one at a time. If every ingredient passes the kitchen test, and I could produce an approximation of that item at home, then the whole item passes the test.

The whole idea, ultimately, is to read the label (if there is one) and consider each ingredient in your food: How it’s produced, where it comes from, and whether its benefits outweigh its detriments.

Also, a note regarding the “deliberate exception” clause:  The idea is to decide on any exceptions before we start, if possible.  It’s not there for you to use your exceptions as a way to cheat in the moment. Instead, it’s about making an informed decision, in advance, about a particular food.

For example, last year Matty and I decided that Vital Wheat Gluten would be an acceptable food for us, because we’d rather eat whole grains breads (usually baked ourselves) that’s made with some extra gluten, than to eat breads made with refined grains.  Similarly, Seitan, which is made from wheat gluten, was an acceptable food for us. (You can make seitan at home from flour, though most commercially-produced seitan is made from vital wheat gluten, which you could not make at home.)  We carefully considered both of these, and decided that the “pros” outweighed the “cons.”

Okay, so below I”ll try to address some specific foods that keep coming up. I don’t have all the answers (and I’ve been spending a lot of time on Wikipedia lately), and if you’re more knowledgeable about a particular item or ingredient, we will all benefit from your sharing in the comments.

Pasta & Bread

I’m starting with an easy one.  Many people (self included!) make pasta and bread at home (and if you haven’t done so, I certainly encourage you to try it this month — it’s divine!).  The trick with store-bought breads and pastas is that you’ll need to read the ingredients list.  If the list says “flour, water, yeast*, salt” then you’re good to go!  But if it includes dough conditioners, refined sugars, artificial sweeteners and/or preservatives, then it doesn’t pass the test.  Similarly, store-bough pasta is usually made with just flour and water (or flour, water, and eggs). Dry pasta is fine (you could do that).  Just keep an eye on the ingredients!

* My thoughts on yeast are below.


Although I encourage 100% whole grain flours, since I’m all about the whole grains, strictly speaking a refined flour may pass the kitchen test.  Theoretically, at least, you could grind up some wheat and run it through increasingly finer sieves to get down to just the endosperm. However, if it’s bleached, or “enriched,” you couldn’t make that at home.

Cheese, Beer, Wine, & Spirits

Yes, these are all okay, provided they’re made with the same ingredients you would use if you were to make them at home.

I make cheese, and I have friends who make fabulous beer, wine, and even spirits.  All doable in a home kitchen (though officially I don’t sanction home-distilling!)

If the cheese is of the “pasteurized-processed cheese food” variety, then it’s off the list, of course.  Similarly, if you’re mixing your booze with a pre-made mixer, check the ingredients — they usually contain high fructose corn syrup.  Also note, if it’s a jug of mix that contains alcohol, they’re not required to disclose the ingredients. Those are likely sweetened with high fructose corn syrup, and often contain artificial flavors, but you have no way of knowing for sure.

Coffee & Tea

Yes, you can have these!  Although it would be difficult (and time-consuming) to grow, harvest, and roast/dry your own coffee or tea, it’s certainly possible.  Just keep an eye on what you’re putting into your coffee or tea!

Soy Sauce

People have been making soy sauce for thousands of years, and it is certainly possible to do at home (though it takes awhile).  The hard part will be finding a store-bought option that doesn’t have added preservatives.  If anyone knows of a brand that doesn’t have preservatives, please share in the comments.  (There are also some “soy sauces” that don’t actually contain much, if any, soy, so those definitely don’t pass muster.)

Sidebar: Kikkoman has an interesting tour of their (modern) technique for making soy sauce.

[Update: Carrie (Deliciously Organic) recommends Nama Shoyu, a type of unpasteurized, fermented soy sauce. Carmen recommends San-J Gluten Free Tamari. Thanks!]


Sugar can be tricky as well, as we discussed last year.  Depending on the level of processing, you may or may not be able to make it (again, in theory) at home.  Last year, the consensus seemed to be that date sugar, evaporated cane juice, raw/unfiltered honey, and maple syrup would all be acceptable sweeteners. An approximation of Turbinado (“Sugar in the Raw”) and Muscovado sugars could probably be made at home, too, though the current industrial process to make them is probably a little bit different than what you’d be able to do at home.  I’ll leave it to you to decide if those are acceptable or not for October.

Refined, white sugar definitely does not pass the test, since it’s likely been bleached with sulfur dioxide.  If an ingredient on a label says simply “sugar,” unfortunately it’s probably of the bleached variety.


Another one that can be tricky.  Raw milk is certainly fine, though that’s obviously hard to find (and may even be illegal). If you’re buying it in the store — and it’s been homogenized — then it doesn’t pass the test. (Pasteurization is less of a concern with regards to the test — since pasteurization is just heating to a specific temperature, for a specific amount of time).  Having said all that, if you think it’s better for you to drink milk, homogenized or otherwise, it seems reasonable to make a deliberate exception.

You may also want to read this recent article about milk on Grist.


[Added based on a question in the comments.]

Assuming you decide to allow homogenized milk, then plain, traditionally-made yogurt should pass the kitchen test. People have been making yogurt in their kitchens for centuries.  As always, you’ve got to read the ingredients on the storebought stuff — inulin (added fiber), flavors, or dyes are definitely dealbreakers.  If they add gelatin or pectin, that’s a different issue — either of those could be made in your kitchen (I think), but neither is an ingredient typically found in home-made yogurt.  I’ll leave that one to you.

I’m a huge fan of plain Greek yogurt sweetened with fruit (and maybe a little raw honey and slivered almonds).  Fage is my favorite because it’s less tart and works well as a sour cream or mayonnaise substitute. (I have no financial ties to them; I just like it.)

Soy, Almond, or Rice Milk

Both of these are actually fairly easy to make at home (stay tuned, more on this in October…hint, hint).  As with any other storebought product, though, you’ve got to check the ingredients.  Many add sugars, flavors, and even gums to make it “creamier.”  There are quite a few storebought options, however, that have ingredients lists like “Water, Soybeans.”  Those pass the test with flying colors!

Baking Soda, Baking Powder, and Yeast

These are somewhat fuzzy, but with some consideration, my personal choice is to allow them.  People have been using baking soda for hundred(s) of years, and although you might need to be a chemist to create it, it is such a basic ingredient — that doesn’t seem to have a downside — that it seems counter-productive to exclude it.   Similarly, baking powder is simply baking soda with an added acid.

And yeast? Just a minute or two with Google, and I’m convinced I could cultivate my own yeast at home.

So even if these may not pass the “letter” of the kitchen test, I think they do pass the “spirit” of the challenge, and as such I’m making them a deliberate exception for myself.

[Update: Tracy makes a persuasive argument in the comments below that Baking Powder should NOT be allowed. She also includes some alternative recommendations. Thanks!]


Last year we decided that lecithin, which is used as an emulsifier in most (but not all) commercial chocolate doesn’t pass the kitchen test, since you wouldn’t add lecithin if you were making chocolate at home (that’s what the Scharffen Berger reps told me when I asked).  There are, however, some chocolate bars on the market that don’t have lecithin.  I found a good one last year at Trader Joe’s.

However, there’s also the issue of sugar in the chocolate.  I looked at all the bars in my pantry right now, and they all contain “sugar” — which, as mentioned above, probably doesn’t pass muster.

If anyone knows of chocolate bars that use evaporated cane juice, or another less-processed sweetener, please let us know!

Okay, I think that covers many of them for now.  If other specific questions keep coming up, I’ll update this post with what I can figure out.

Thanks again to everyone who is participating in the challenge!  I’m very excited to see what October has in store! Starting October 1st, I’ll be sharing some incredible guest posts every day.

Don’t miss a single post!  Sign up to receive posts via email (no more than once a day) or by RSS feed.  And, of course, I’ll be linking to new posts on Facebook and Twitter — as well as keeping a close eye on the #unprocessed hashtag discussion, of course!

Homemade Sourdough Fettucine photo courtesy of my friend, Salty Seattle.

A photo of Andrew Wilder leaning into the frame and smiling, hovering over mixing bowls in the kitchen.

Welcome to Eating Rules!

Hi! My name is Andrew Wilder, and I think healthy eating doesn’t have to suck. With just three simple eating rules, we'll kickstart your journey into the delicious and vibrant world of unprocessed food.

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September 29, 2011 1:29 pm

After reading about your concern on Chocolate, I gave Theo Chocolate a call, and their bars do not contain lecithin.
But, their 70% dark chocolate bars do list Cocoa,Sugar,Cocoa Butter, and ground vanilla bean.

Reply to  Mary Papoulias Platis-California Greek Girl
September 29, 2011 1:50 pm

Mary it seems like it’s either lecithin or sugar. Plus I don’t want to pay a fortune for a small bar. I eat a 1/2 serving almost every night and so does my husband. It might have to be added to my concessions list.

September 29, 2011 12:29 pm

I’m going to have to figure out the chocolate deal. Might have to make my own. I’m also unsure about molasses. I have both regular and black strap. The ingredients state unsulphured molasses on both bottles. What do you think?

I’d also love to see a post on restaurants. Are ther any chains that pass the test for unprocessed? I’m hoping maybe chipotle grill might be an option. I love reading your restaurant menu recommendations on the blog!


Reply to  Debbie T
September 29, 2011 2:11 pm

Chipotle qualified last year (here’s the post about it: I was in Chipotle the other day and the information provided on the menu matched the link.

As for other fast food, I think the only thing that qualifies is the garden salad (and if you qualify produce must be organic, then even those are out.

Reply to  Jacqueline Gonzales
October 3, 2011 5:32 am

Thank you, Jacqueline. I’m glad to see that post. We like visiting Chipotle Grill once in awhile, and we’ll definitely keep it on our list this month.

I’ve officially given myself an exemption once a week if we feel the need to go out to eat, as I don’t think it’s possible to find many local restaurants that don’t use some kind of processing. I’ll just try to stick to menu items that I know I could possibly make at home.

Reply to  Debbie T
November 6, 2011 2:51 pm

Blackstrap molasses is completely unaltered and since your “regular” molasses is also unsulfured, the company probably just skimmed the heavier sugars out to make rum, leaving you with a thinner syrup.

I try to sweeten our breakfast oatmeal with blackstrap when I can, because of all the nutrients. The additional multivitamins I’ve been told to take give me intestinal problems, so I use that as a supplement instead. My bloodwork checks out 🙂

September 29, 2011 9:47 am

As far as milks go we now only drink Coconut, and Almond (organic only) that haven’t been radiated. We want to start making our own though just need to find true Organic nuts and coconuts.

September 29, 2011 9:19 am

I am wondering about cocoa powder, and in particular Dutch-processed. Would they be considered processed? I am sort of torn on the subject, and thought I would ask since I see chocolate addressed but not cocoa powder.

I would think natural cocoa, which is created by pressing cacao beans to separate the cacao solids from the cocoa butter, would be acceptable. Dutch-processed may not be since it is processed with an alkalizing agent to neutralize the pH.

What say you?

September 29, 2011 9:07 am

Eeee! I love this website – I just added it to the blogroll on my blog I already have a couple of people who will join me in the challenge.

September 29, 2011 8:15 am

I’m not sure why coffee and tea would even be a question :D.

Making either or both is a straightforward process that humans have been doing for a few thousand years. Of course, as always, some companies might decide to roast or prepare tea with unnecessary chemicals and processes, but coffee and tea are natural plant products.

If the ‘kitchen test’ means something I could produce in _my_ kitchen and garden, well… then it would indeed exclude coffee, tea, coconut milk, bananas, most spices, etc. But, unless this is also a ‘locavore’ challenge, I’d suspect the ‘kitchen test’ means “a home kitchen” just not necessarily my particular kitchen.

Reply to  Andrew
September 29, 2011 10:16 am

Andy- Sharon and Trey bring up good points, but now I am confused. I was not reading unprocessed as literally what my climate and local zoning permitted. I was thinking more of a hypothetical-If I have the space/climate/livestock/time what could I produce (unprocessed) vs what comes from a factory (processed).
Though if we take our local climate into consideration and make an effort to eat as locally as possible as well as unprocessed as possible don’t we follow a “Macrobiotic” diet? Are these points perhaps more of a question as to how severely one chooses to restrict their diet? Or is it your intention that people also take their local limitations (climate, neighborhood zoning, acreage) into consideration?

September 29, 2011 7:55 am

What about sorghum molasses (aka sorghum syrup)? There are local producers here in KY, and I’ve seen the traditional way of making it. Pretty basic, if labor intensive.

And I’m not so sure about your “kitchen test.” My local climate would exclude coffee and a lot of spices and olive oil; local zoning laws prohibit livestock other than 5 hens and rabbits, so no dairy or pork products at all. But I’m still going to be eating those things, even though there’s no way at all I could grow/produce them at all.

PS Sourdough is fun to bake with! Try it!

September 29, 2011 7:48 am

I second Jessica’s request 😛

September 28, 2011 11:45 pm

I think we need to start a shopping list! Especially brand names to buy when it comes to bread, soy milk, yogurt, cheese, pasta and other products that I will not likely be making myself in my own kitchen.

Reply to  Jessica
September 29, 2011 2:12 pm

SUCH – a great idea! I have to admit I’m a little scared in my excitement and this would help so much!

Reply to  Jessica
September 30, 2011 1:44 pm

I love the idea of a grocery list. I think that would be really helpful.

September 28, 2011 11:35 pm

We have been doing this all summer and I was getting nervous about how I would do going in to fall/winter. Have support now! Started learning at food and then found Andy Bellati’s Small Bites he is funny and gives info in well small bites now the roots of Bellati have spread me all over in wanting to learn. Diabetic controlled by diet but things went south and now I stepped up my game to go all unproccessed this last summer. Thought I could not live without my milk, got some in the fridge that is way out dated need to chuck it. Got the diet pop thing down to 1 per day…lost 15lbs over the summer. BTW as my quad son’s around the clock care provider the kitchen time is usually nil unless I go on a cook mode and cook many dishes at once ends up feeding… Read more »