The October Unprocessed Vault: Day 28
Oct 28, 2021
Here are all the posts from this day in October Unprocessed history.
Natural & Artificial Flavors
Kimchi doesn’t have to be buried in your backyard to be delicious
Fasting and Feasting – A Christian Ethic for Eating (Corn & Black Bean Chowder)
FoodCorps helps kids turn "ick" into "yum!"
Butternut Squash and Chickpea Soup
It’s OK. Limiting candy won’t ruin childhood.
Avoid the “Salty Six” with Whole Wheat Oat Bread
Food for Healing – Body, Heart, and Soul (and Almond-Crusted Curry Chicken Wraps)
Cutting Cold Cereal Cold Turkey (Plus Forbidden Black Rice Coconut Pudding)
The Pastured Pig, an Unprocessed Alternative for Sustainable Meat
Bourbon Pumpkin Rice Pudding
Smoothie Jars for Quick and Easy Smoothies
Enjoy the Process of Going Unprocessed with Kids, plus Pumpkin Dip
If you haven’t taken the October Unprocessed pledge yet, please do! And then encourage your friends to join in — it’s a lot more fun that way!