The October Unprocessed Vault: Day 18

Here are all the posts from this day in October Unprocessed history.

Oatmeal Maple Spice Cookies

Oatmeal Maple Spice Cookies

Kristin Smith is the owner of SweetChip, a custom-crafted cookie company based in Lawrence, Kansas. She offered to send me a complimentary batch of her 100% Whole Grain, Unprocessed Oatmeal Maple Spice Cookies. I happily accepted, once we confirmed that they passed the Kitchen Test.
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The 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 Rule

Daniel Koontz is the author of Casual Kitchen, a blog helping readers cook more, think more, and spend less. Today he shares some thoughts on the “80/20 Rule,” and how you can apply it in your life to powerful effect.
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Five Tips for Low Sodium Living (Turkey Meatloaf)

Five Tips for Low Sodium Living (Turkey Meatloaf)

As a society, it seems that in our rush towards modernization, we traded the principles of cooking with flavor for a cheap substitute called salt.
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Stevia, Truvia, and PureVia

Stevia, Truvia, and PureVia

Stevia is a perennial shrub with sweet-tasting leaves that has been consumed by native populations in Paraguay for centuries. In that sense, true Stevia has a lot in common with honey or maple syrup โ€“ it is a minimally processed sweetener.
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Tomatillo Avocado Dressing

Tomatillo Avocado Dressing

There is something super-comforting about adding a creamy dressing on top of any salad, and avocado is basically the perfect thing to make a creamy dressing without using any weird processed ingredients!
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Six Reasons to Ferment your own Food (and How to Make Fermented Dilly Beans)

Six Reasons to Ferment your own Food (and How to Make Fermented Dilly Beans)

While fermentation is technically a form of "processing," it’s nothing like the modern techniques that are used to extrude, pasteurize, deconstruct, re-construct, strip down or otherwise adulterate natural ingredients. Instead, it enriches food, using age-old techniques, and nothing more than salt and a little help from our (trillions of) microbial friends.
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Where Sugar Hides: The Dangers of Hidden Sugar

Where Sugar Hides: The Dangers of Hidden Sugar

Masked by many names, sugar quietly and dangerously hides in our diets.
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Thinking Outside the Box: The Craft of Real Mac & Cheese

Thinking Outside the Box: The Craft of Real Mac & Cheese

A lot of people believe that creating macaroni and cheese from scratch is difficult, when in reality it takes very little effort and yields results that are a thousand times tastier than anything you’ll get out of a box.
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Radiki, or Why I Brake for Bitter Greens

Radiki, or Why I Brake for Bitter Greens

To the average American, dandelions are simply weeds, but to my mother they were a nutritious meal. Bitter greens are consumed regularly in Greek households — they’re a staple. “Radiki,” as we call them in Greek, are mostly a combination of mustard greens, herbs, and dandelions.
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Kuku Kadoo

Kuku Kadoo

I’d like to challenge all October Unprocessed pledgers to use this time to break old food habits and to freely discover new ones. Let this month be the catalyst that brings you your new perfect meal or a cleaner, healthier way to prepare an old favorite. To help you on your journey and to introduce Persian cooking, I’ve got here for you an exquisite (and super-simple!) recipe for Kuku Kadoo, an Iranian-style frittata with zucchini.
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Banh Xeo - Crispy Vietse Crepes with Sautรƒยฉed Kale and Mushrooms

Banh Xeo – Crispy Vietse Crepes with Sautรƒยฉed Kale and Mushrooms

One key thing we’ve learned from cooking around the world is that everyone seems to love crepes. Of course we all know the French, but what about Ukranian and Nepali ones? As it turns out, almost every cuisine has its own type of crepe! Sure enough, the Vietnamese have their own special version too, and even amid the ubiquity of a thin pancake, there is something truly unique about Banh Xeo.
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When Unprocessed Is A Moot Point

When Unprocessed Is A Moot Point

Unprocessed does not always equal healthy. Case in point? Sugar and salt.
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How to Make Chia Jam

How to Make Chia Jam

Chia seeds can seem intimidating to begin with, but once you get to know them and understand not only what they have to offer you nutritionally, but what they can do for you in the kitchen, you will start adding them to everythingโ€ฆ like this chia jam!
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Chocolate-Avocado Pudding

Chocolate-Avocado Pudding

The avo-choco combo in this dessert makes for an exceptionally smooth pudding. The spice is optional, but eating the whole bowl may not be"ยฆ.Enjoy!
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Basic Italian Salad Dressing

Basic Italian Salad Dressing

Need a delicious Italian Salad Dressing recipe? Look no further! Only half of the ingredients in this easy recipe are absolutely necessary. The other half are optional–which makes this dressing incredibly flexible.
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If you haven’t taken the October Unprocessed pledge yet, please do!  And then encourage your friends to join in — it’s a lot more fun that way!

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A photo of Andrew Wilder leaning into the frame and smiling, hovering over mixing bowls in the kitchen.

Welcome to Eating Rules!

Hi! My name is Andrew Wilder, and I think healthy eating doesnโ€™t have to suck. With just three simple eating rules, we'll kickstart your journey into the delicious and vibrant world of unprocessed food.

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